
Desktop browsers not older than 2 years should be fully supported (as of 2017). Mobile browsers on the other hand are questionable. Works best with webkits.

Let's Start!

Download the .zip file if you haven't downloaded it yet.

No More Classes!

Hurray! blurCSS uses attributes to define styles for ease & simplicity.

And hey, it's we're web developers – we create our own environment   ;)


Default font is RobotoDraft.
Everything is pretty basic from h1 to h6, p, and code.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

This is a lead paragraph. It can be done by adding a lead attribute.

Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence.

Helpers are available


Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence.


Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence.


Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence.


Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence. Lorem ipsum the fox has jumped over the fence.

Example of a table

7:30 – 8:00eateateateateat
8:00 – 8:30eateateateateat