Set Slippage: 6-7%

Initial Supply
POM has an initial supply of 1 Million tokens.

Locked Liquidity Pool
100% of the total supply is locked on Pancakeswap.

Uprising Price Floor
2% of every transaction is burned creating an ever rising price floor. This contributes to less volatility and a continuously increasing price floor.

Lost Keys
Are Shiba dogs forgetful? Let's not talk about pommies! We've deleted the account and forgot to save a copy, silly us!

Early Stages
Our POM is still a puppy. We have applied for a listing in CoinMarketCap. BSC Coin Logo/Icon is still pending for approval.
Vote for POM (look for POM)

Add Our Token!
You can use the Add Custom Token in Trust Wallet or Metamask and set the Network to Smart Chain.
POM Token Address is 0xfc70D204aaf065250F0a1D53349749d38dcca5C4
Decimal Places: 2
Token Name: PomToken

Our Roadmap
POM is designed to be used on Vets and Pets services worldwide. Our roadmap will be available in the near future. Aw aw!

The cute deflationary token with a passive yield mechanism.